Tuesday, October 7



1. Listen to the above. Please
2. I just got back from the allergy office, and my sister and I rapped in the hallway (I beatboxed, naturally). I thoroughly hope the people in the waiting room enjoyed that.
3. School was well!
- In dance we had to be out there. Like, "out there." Show some personality. Fantastic. I felt like an idiot on the across-the-floors because of that.
- Partner helped me in history today...it just goes to show, doesn't it?

I still do not like her nails.
- French. Finally, some success!!!! Yaaaaa. I will not write why here, but I will note that it was extremely hard to not dance when O played Il Vie en Toi. Really, really hard. I respect Yves for not restraining himself there. Great kid.
- Science was blah. I kept busy with our assignment, but it wasn't fun. The only thing that kept me from turning into stone right then and there was that I could hear A and A's conversation next to me. The latter is surprisingly friendly, I was impressed.
- Lunch was mediocre. No action, really, but a few laughs. At least dear humkin came over to visit (yeah, he all but ignored me, but I appreciate his presence anyway!). I did not see Patrick, so I couldn't deliver his book. I didn't expect to anyway.
- G wasn't in english!! Which made for a very relaxing period. It was very nice to not have the added stress level. I actually almost fell asleep that time, hah, the atmosphere in there can get so drowsy when we do bookwork: there were 3 other cat-nappers in my class (that I could see).
- Math...I. Need. To. Figure out how to spend my time in there, because I can't stand sitting there and doodling idly for 45 minutes anymore. The conversations are not even entertaining. I can't even watch Saint, either, because he sits behind me.

I am such a creeper.

Eh, anyway, now that I've finished Geo of Bliss, I have nothing captivating me and I need to find another good time-turning book. If this were the sort of blog that had followers, this would be the part where I go "Any suggestions?"
Alas, it's not.
Uhh. I will have to look into that.

3. It is currently 92 degrees. Everyone was getting all excited about the rain...so much for autumn. I guess that will have to wait until after fire season (if there is one this year. Which I'm relatively sure there will be).

4. I'm glad I met Alex yesterday.


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