Friday, November 14


Two words: Jean-Claude. Earthquake.


Sorry, blog, that I have not been writing. There isn't anything to write here anymore, unless anyone actually reads it, in which case if they asked I'd be happy to explain Me as of late.

I'm happy (:

Tuesday, November 4


little bit down.

Tuesday, October 21

kids are living underground

Katy Conti is wrong I read her blog too!
Anyway I figured I should write something. I got my hair cut today and I was so happy about it that I was bouncing around all afterward when I went to get shoes with my mom. I didn't get any. But I bought a shirt. Screw it, my feet will fall off in Michigan, but I will look cute freezing.

Tomorrow is a half day and I don't know what to do yet. I will probably just go with Abra, I mean I was going to do that anyway, but we don't really know what to do and we don't know if we can just hop in Justin's car and call it a day. There are already like 5 people going. Speaking of Abra, today we held hands at lunch so that mhrhmhhmhhrmrm and mrhrhehremer and even though she didn't see, it was funny.

I've been writing tons lately. Oodles, as some would put it. It's mostly nonsensical stuff, I just need an outlet because for some reason this week it's like someone kicked the energy level in my brain up a notch and all of a sudden it's buzzing with ideas, and I've kind of just been putting them everywhere. I made Abra a nice note with a drawing of I don't know on it. I put Jolly ranchers on it. I need better things to write about. I like writing notes for people, and getting mail. I wish I could send Jared more mail but people would get suspicious. Jared has been the sweetest kid in the world lately, we've talked tons, and he's sent a plethora of pictures and vids to keep me entertained every day, and he isn't annoyed when I make him stay up late because I can't go online until later. I love Jared.

I will write more later when I have another brain fusion thing, uhh...
"this carrot is made of Jesus' nose."
I love you too.

Friday, October 17


Then again, every so often we have a good moment like this one. Why can't it always be like this?
No, don't answer that, I know what you'll say.
Well, I love you. Sleep good my friend.

Today was a big mess. I made a new playlist. Criminal Minds is back on. I had a conversation with Jared, we didn't talk too much but we communicated. I have to get up early tomorrow to talk with him but I don't mind, I look forward to it actually.
Aaaah tomorrow I am going down near San Diego, I hope it's really hot and really sunny because I am so drained right now and sun is the first thing I need. I hope it's really bright and breezy. I'm seeing my cool aunt.
Okay good night.


Thursday, October 16


Today I kind of stood up to her. We were walking and she had just finished talking to her about lending clothes, and when she walked away, I went "Thanks for letting me borrow your shirts!" and she looks at me suspiciously and goes "Did you steal some of my shirts?!" and then I tell her I'm being sarcastic and remind her that the last time I asked to borrow anything, she told me to get my own clothes. She replied that she was afraid that if she lent anything to me, she'd never see it again. I told her that the only thing I'd never given back was her jeans, and she already said months and months ago that I might as well keep them, they had molded to me and she never wore them anyway. Then she made some sort of feeble argument about how I never wear her clothes with anything cute and my outfits are always boring (so much for my no-sense-of-style being my style then, eh? Thanks). I told her I wear her stuff with what I have. She says to get new stuff. I say for the 232409th time that I have no money.

This week has sort of sucked, friend-wise. I'm taking a break from her tomorrow.
Why is it that I know such selfish, ignorant, rude, and/or unthoughtful people?

The truth just makes me want to back into my shell even further. And then bash myself on the head. The truth is that the only ones I really like are ____________. Either that, or I'm not that close with them.

The other truth, the worst one, is that I've never felt a moment of genuine connection with her. EVER! I will write her letters with nice things and mean most of them, but anything I've ever said about us being friends because of fate/we get along well/we're totally connected is BS. At best, I'll feel happy in a moment with her, probably when we're having a good conversation walking somewhere, or when she's explaining a movie to me or when we're driving toward some new adventure. I've felt happy with her and at times liked her a lot, but that's the extent of it. For me, there's no deep feeling in my core that I genuinely love her, and that's the saddest thing of all.
But I mean, what can you expect. There are only a few people I really feel an instantaneous, snap-judgement liking for/connection to. One of them is Astrid. I felt that right away, as soon as I met her. The moment we first exchanged words, I knew I liked her a lot. We get along very well.
Another is Katy, just because she's so kind to us and so likeable and so fun. I'm not at all surprised that she has the amount of friends she does. Those are the first two people that jump to my mind because I've been interacting with them the most recently.
Natalie, I liked right away, but really what's not to like about Natalie. I don't feel that connected to her though, because whenever I'm around her I feel like I'm drowning in inadequacy? There's so much about her that's good and she's so blatantly cool that I always feel overshadowed. I've always really admired her, though.
Uhh. I have not been that social lately. I can't think of any other people where the chemistry (friendly and otherwise) is just THERE.

I should do something about.. something. I'm so undecided about my friend but if it keeps up I'll take action, I can't just let it keep eating at me. I think going to the east for the week will be a good chance to clear my mind and make decisions about stuff, thoughtful decisions, because I'll be away from everyone and I won't be biased if something petty happened with the person that day and I'm still wound up over it. Hopefully I will be more focused when I get back.

I'm also pissed and sad that I lost it, with the book. I had it so good for a week there, and then...all down the drain. That was the most perfect school week I've ever had. I've noticeably rebounded now, though. I'm as shy as ever again.

Also, thank you Heather for being so sweet the other night.

Wednesday, October 15


I love Jared.

Tuesday, October 14


I feel lame. I just. Feel lame. I don't feel great or like I can get anything done. My biggest accomplishment in life is memorizing 50 latin root words in two days by making up a song.


But there was a moment in French today that was very nice, not to mention positively cute.

I have decided to add Sebastian to my Best Voice list, which is currently composed of Abs and Sufjan Stevens. I have the whole thing somewhere but I'm too lazy to find it, and if I did, I wouldn't type it up. Sufjan has the most unannoying voice I've ever heard.

I wrote something good yesterday after school.

I want to talk to John.

I want to stay here for Halloween. Everyone is making plans now in our lunch group. It turns out Paul is coming after all, which makes my missing the experience suck even more. I want to see Paul in a penguin costume. I will have to have schfifty five times more fun in Michigan than they do here.
I took a nap. I probably won't want to sleep tonight. While I listened to the three above songs I thought about what we would do in Michigan and on the plane. Susie and I already planned what to do when we're set loose in the airport and mom leaves and we have time to kill while waiting for the plane. I feel so bad for all the people who are on our airplane. Especially if this one has SkyMalls in the seat pockets. Aha. Hahahahaha.
I feel stupid. I wish I had something better to write. I wish I were with someone right now. I wish I were liked back as much as I like. I don't think it works that way.

Also, my wish bracelet snapped off when I sat on it somehow when I was sitting down.

A survey. Just because I can. Don't read.
Nice to meet you, I'm:

Okay,​​​ who was the last perso​n who held your hand?​​​
Probably abra. In my dreams? C

Have you ever kisse​d someo​ne with brace​s?​​​

If you could​ chang​e your eye color​ what would​ it be?
I would not

How many pillo​ws are on your bed?

Is there​ someo​ne you can' t stop think​ing about​ ?
Uh, Conna

When'​​​s the last time you cried​ ?

What'​​​s the longe​st you' ve ever talke​d on the phone​ ?
I have talked until midnight with abra several times

How did you get your last bruis​e?​​​
I was probably climbing something I shouldn't have

Who is in your house​ right​ now?
Dad and susie

Are your lips chapp​ed?​​​
This one little patch in the middle of my top lip is.

What'​​​ s your favor​ite seaso​n?​​​
Fall, but there is no fall in this town

Has it snowe​d recen​tly?​​​

Favor​ite color​ ?

How many pierc​ings do you have?​​​
None, they closed up

Taken​ or singl​e?​​​

Do you like your relat​ionsh​ip statu​s?​​​

Do you belie​ve that there​ are certa​in circu​mstan​ces where​ cheat​ing is okay?​​​

Do you wanna​ have child​ren?​​​
I don't know about *have*

How many?​​​

If someo​ne liked​ you right​ now, would​ you want them to tell you?

Do you belie​ve in celeb​ratin​g anniv​ersar​ies?​​​
No. Anniversaries should never ever be celebrated.

Do you know anyon​e who has messe​d up your life?​​​
It's more like I messed up my own life because they existed

Do you have a best frien​d?​​​
not really.

Do you have any sibli​ngs?​​​

What are you doing​ today​ ?
being stupid

Weari​ng any jewel​ry?​​​

Where​ is your shirt​ from?​​​

Are you happy​ ?

Where​ were you last night​ ?
at a bowl painting party

Who will you be sleep​ing with tonig​ht?​​​
whoever happens to be in my dream.

Are you in a relat​ionsh​ip?​​​
i uh. what

Do you like to cuddl​e?​​​

Where​ is your numbe​r one perso​n on your frien​ds list?​​​
she actually happens to be taking this very survey, but she is probably not answering it honestly, since it is going on myspace.

Do you want to see someo​ne this very minut​e?​​​
I want a scone.
I want to see jared

Who was the last perso​n you hugge​d?​​​

Do you like the smell​ of gasol​ine?​​​
it is alright

If somet​hing was wrong​ , who is the first​ perso​n you would​ go to?
It depends on what's wrong

Who is the last perso​n you talke​d to on the phone​ ?

Did anyth​ing brigh​ten up your day today​ ?
when Jacques and I laughed to each other

Are you someo​ne who worri​es too often​ ?
I am working on that

Do you ever wonde​r how other​ peopl​e see you?

When was the last time you sang an entir​e song?​​​

Are you the type of perso​n who likes​ to be out or home?​​​
I like both, it depends on where and who if I'm out

What time do you norma​lly go to bed?
on school nights, 11-12, and on weekends, 1-2 or later. :|

Do you think​ you are wasti​ng your time on the perso​n you like?​​​


What was the last test you took & what for?

Who was the last perso​n that left you a comme​nt?​​​
once again mawbear should come online so we can chat a storm of dreams"

Last time you went swimm​ing?​​​
18 years ago

Did you kiss or hug anyon​e today​ ?
uh, no.

What are you doing​ next Frida​y?​​​
freaking out and getting ready for michigan, prolly packing at the last moment

Do you belie​ve you have commo​n sense​ ?

Does it make you mad when peopl​e stare​ at you?
Nah. But it's a bit annoying.

What would​ you do if your best frien​d told you they were movin​g?​​​
I would kind of expect it, she is a very pack-up-and-leave person

What do you want for your birth​day?​​​
Bread and co

When was the last time you had butte​rflie​s?​​​
they're so good nom nom nom

Do you need to say anyth​ing to someo​ne?​​​
yeah, I need to be like hey I like you, come hang out with me.

Anyth​ing you' re givin​g up on?
and confident

Are you waiti​ng for somet​hing?​​​
yes, tomorrow

Who was the last perso​n to play with your hair?​​​
Thanks paul, i thought this was our thing, just go and play with brooke's hair ya okay

Sunday, October 12


Mared is so sweet, he made me log on and then sent me pictures of the foliage over there.

and then he also sent some songs, and tomorrow, VIDS. YAY.
It's barely started changing over here.
It's so funny, he's becoming all Meh now. I don't really care, because it's Mared. But he is starting to talk kind of mehishly. I feel like a proud teacher or parent passing on the tradition. And he came up with a new name, which is Mawbear, which is kind of hilariously cute.

Anyway the reason I am making this is to write about my dream. I went upstairs with some tea to watch project runway and ended up falling asleep on the bed. I dreamt that I was with Geneva and we were about to go on a plane, and already the dream is slipping away but there was a beige plane, and I could see the inside before we were on it somehow, and it looked warm and cozy but it also had this air of claustrophobia and something made me panic when I thought about getting onto it. Geneva started talking about cutting herself, and Ben drifted in and out of the dream, he was supposed to go on the plane too...and there weren't enough seats so the captains were starting to get out mattresses for people (namely Ben) to sit on instead of seats, and for some reason, I really really didn't want them to do this, and before I woke up my dream self was about to text someone about how reluctant I was to get on the plane. It was all very vague and I remember a mounting sense of hysteria before I woke up.
Oh, Katy Conti was in it too. She had texted me that she was now an Official International Member of Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, and then she wanted me to confirm a rumor about Patrick and Giselle.

After I woke up. I'm all sleepy here. I just wanted a picture of the sun because when I woke up it was shining on the bed and the wood of the bed and looking all nice. I'm all into sun today.
Uh so I had another cup of tea just now. And there are jolly ranchers all over the place. Hi dunkin. Goodbye.

Skin Is, My andrew

I don't even remember making a post yesterday.

Anyway, today was the second day of church alone. I actually looked kind of cute today, I think. I found a dream catcher necklace to wear. While the chorus was practicing I sat inside with them because it was too cold outside, and despite their volume I managed to block the sound out enough to read (Harry Potter. I need some new books. Suggestions). And then I followed them inside the church, and they filed into the back, and I went up by myself and found a slightly sunny seat in the same area I sat last time. I always go for the sun seats. Today at the beginning of service there was only a corner of sunlight on mine, but by the Homily it was totally full.
Today's service went by really fast. I sat there and soaked it all in, but at the same time I didn't really pay attention to anything. Even though I don't really know what to believe yet, it was really peaceful, in a way.

On the way back I listened to andrew bird and Radiohead and danced. I like the car rides to church, they're long enough that I can get a few decent listens in. I thought about Alex and hoped he was doing well in his lacrosse game, or at least having fun. I wondered if he had gotten to listen to any Bird on the way there.

And then I came home, and changed and now I'm wearing boots because my feet are always so cold in this house. My hands already freeze. I read the post secrets. I should send one in but I don't know what I would write, and I would probably go overboard.

Oh also, last night I talked to him. I was really really glad I got to. I still don't know how he figured it out, but anyway we had a good conversation, mostly about bread but also about Prop 8. I hope he doesn't see this, but then again if he does I don't mind his knowing that I like him.
(My bracelet only has a few strands holding it together now, and only 3 beads left, which is a good sign. When it falls off, the wish will come true. I like to think that the conversation had something to do with that.)

I want this:
"You're not thinking I'm someone else?
I know you are not.
Or that we've met before?
I know we have not.

It's so much to believe. You're not making a joke?
I have not yet learned how to joke that way. I think now I never will."

Really. Good. Movie.

I also want someone to watch scary movies with, and make jokes at, and then jam on the commercials.

Happy Sunday.

Saturday, October 11

Feel happier,

Katy, I love you

Friday, October 10

I swear I just heard someone say

And those babies were cracklin' like there was no tomorrow.

^ Totally me.

Today is Maw Has Grilled Cheese and Soup for Din day.


Don't even try.

1. It's never taken this little effort to not think about you.
And I'm not going to.

2. You are so nice and genuine and great and cool (and funny. Man.), you kept me in good company yesterday. I wrote your name places and kept you in mind.

3. I'm more appreciative of you than you know. I liked you in an instant. It's very easy (for me) to like you...I think we just fit.

4. For the last time, I'll try! Promise
Well I'll try to try. I'll put some effort into it this week, I really want it to work. I hope you know. I hope you aren't ________. And I hope you will ________. You're so _________.

5. You know, I will probably never give up on you, and when we're really close, I'll keep trying, even if you and her are still _________. _________ is right, we are a great match, and I will help you to realize that if you don't already. (:< style="font-weight: bold;">"You're six foot tall and east coast bred
some lonely night we can get together"

[Pierce your nose or belly button?] - Nose
[Be serious or funny?] - I doubt I will ever have to choose between the two

[Simple or complicated?] - This is way too general of a question...I'm both

[What time is it]- 6:23
[Name] - Maw.

[Where do you want to live] - New England or Iceland or somewhere else
[How many kids do you want] - 2 or 1, but that could change
[What kind of job do you want] - Travel writer, something in the music biz, something like an interior designer or architect, artist, I'm at a loss.
[Do you want to get married] - Yes

UNIQUE.. (heh)
[Are you double jointed] - In my fingers and left elbow
[Can you raise one eyebrow] - Yes, my left
[Can you cross your eyes] - Yes
[Do you make your bed daily] - No, I like how it looks messy.

[Which shoe goes on first] - Right
[Ever thrown one at someone] - Of course
[How Much money do you carry in your wallet]- I rarely carry my money in a wallet. Around $10, if any.

[Bought something] - No way
[Gotten sick] - No
[Sang] - Not yet, unless you count the random notes I let slip at various times
[Felt stupid] - Yes, yesterday
[Missed someone] - A little
[Gotten drunk] - Nawp
[Gotten high] - Noh
[Danced crazy] - I can't dance any other way
[Gotten your hair cut] - I trimmed my bangs in the slightest??
[Watched cartoons] - No
[Lied to someone] - Yes..

[Slept in your bed] - Me
[Saw you cry] - I can't
[Saw a movie with you] - I lied to Abra

[Been to California] - Lives here
[Been to Europe] - Yeah!!
[Wished you were the opposite sex] - No, but I've wondered

1. [Honestly, what color is your underwear?] - Tie dye! Yaaaaaa
2. [Honestly, whats on your mind right now?] - Nothing!!! ! (:
Well Astrid, but otherwise nothing.
Okay and trains.
3. [Honestly, what are you doing right now?] - Enjoying the lack of chaosish hubbub usually occupying my mind, uh yknow
4. [Honestly, do you think you are attractive?] - Yes, but I don't act like I do
5. [Honestly, have you done something bad Today?] - Define bad. I was a little rude, but I like to think I earned that right.
6. [Honestly, do you watch disney channel?] - Not anymore
7. [Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?] - ...stfu.
8. [Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?] - What makes me happy seems to be shifting constantly. In general, having good conversations with people. And occasionally pudgy.
9. [Honestly, do you bite your nails?] - If I'm really upset
10.[Honestly, what is your mood right now?] - Blank and kind of hopeful. Very mild. Neutral. Mellow. Yep.
11.[Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?] - I kind of wish Alex was here, but I'm okay by myself.
12.[Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?] - It is not that dark. And it is not that much of a secret hah
13.[Honestly, do you hate someone right now?] - I never really hate anyone.
15.[Honestly, do you like someone?] - Yeah!!
16.[Honestly, does anyone like you?] - I plan to find out soon.

[ ] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[not for a while!!] I eat Froot Loops.
[xxx] I go trick or treating.
[):] I’ve taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[D:] I have water balloon fights with my friends
[?] I still believe in Santa
[ ] Mommy’s still the coolest person ever
[ ] sleep till noon.
[X] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.
[cute people never sit that close to me] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute..
[x!] I still drink apple juice.
[ ] There are monsters in my closet.
[ ] I can’t sleep with the lights off
[x] I can’t sleep with the lights on.
[x] I still like piggy back rides.
[ ] Boys/girls still have cooties

A - AVAILABLE: We've covered this
C- Cute:
D - DADS NAME : Dan, and you're being awfully aggressive.
F - FAVORITE BAND/ARTIST: Everything in the entire world
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS : Dinosaurs. Heck
I - INSTRUMENT : A bit of drums
K - KIDS :
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Either to Yosemite or to MI from Chicago
M - MILK FLAVOR : Chocolate soy, hah
O - ONE THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF : My................soul..
Q - FAVORITE QUOTE : As of late: "it's all about the Nervous tic Motion of the head to the...left."
R - REASON TO SMILE : Seeing people I love, hearing people with good voices, hearing funny things, things I've written down, people thinking of me, the sun
W - WORST HABITS : Meh, throwing my wrists, braiding my hair compulsively

****Everyone has their firsts…****

First real best friend: Derek Smith, coolest cat
First Cellphone: red razr
First pet: Minnie and Freddie, also cool cats.
First piercing/tattoo: Earz.
First flight: Apparently to Florida from NJ

****Everyone has their lasts…****

Last person you hugged: Katy?
Last time you cried : months ago
Last thing you touched: The kitchen chair that I used for balance when stretching
Last time at the mall: Who. Cares
Last person you saw: Mam
Last thing you drank: Water
Last time you have been truly happy: the few seconds I saw him at the pool today

1. Who's locker is next to you? // JRan's and Daniel's
2. Are you usually on time to 1st period ? // I don't have first period, yahahaha.
3. Full size or small sized locker? //Teensy

4. Who sits beside you? //I sleep
5. What subject is it? // Sleep
6. Who's your teacher? // Mr. Sand Man?
7. Have you ever fallen asleep in first period? //I sleep

8. What class is it? // Danser
9. Who sits to your left? // Nous dansons...
10. Are you failing this class? // NON. Je tres bien
11. Is this your favorite class? // Parfois.
12. Who do you sit in front of? // Nous dansons
13. Who do you talk to the most in this class? // Je parle avec Han

14. What class is it? // L'histoire
15. Is your best friend in this class with you? // Mais non
16 Do you hate anyone in this class? // Je ne...deteste?..pas
17. Are you allowed to eat in this class? // Non

18. What class is it? // Francais
19. Anyone you want to shoot during class? // Non!! J'adore toutes? ils. Idk.
20. Is this your fave class? // Euh.
21. Who sits to your left? // Veronique
22. What time do you finish school? // 2:48
23. What do you usually do after school? // If it's sunny, sit by my window and drum with music and usually fall asleep when the sun goes down. Otherwise, eat, dance, typewriter, talk, computer.

You guys didn't cover the rest of my classes. Suckers

A music one. I love these, but usually get horrible answers.

So, here's how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For every question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool, you have to write the song that happens to play... it's the randomness that makes it cool.

Opening Credits:
The Gulag Orkestar, Beirut
sets an anticipant mood! I like it

Waking Up:
If I Fell, ATU
Sgt. Pepper's LHCB
It works.

First Day Of School:
Feeling Good, Michael Buble
HEHEHEHE I can see this

Falling In Love:
Imitosis, Andrew Bird
Not the ideal song but Andrew Bird?!?!? Success.

Breaking Up:
Knife, Grizzly Bear
Aw. Fittingly gloomy

First Date:
I'm Only Sleeping, Beatles
I hope not?!
The Dress Looks Nice on You, Sufjan

First Kiss:
Bye Bye Bye, Justin and the boys.
I'm Yours, Jason Mraz. Very sweet.

The first song I got was an old techno Beirut song that wasn't even released so it doesn't count. The next was from the Cats soundtrack (also not released. Oops), and I refused to have that. The next was Wildcat, by Ratatat, which is perfect.

Life's OK:
Strawberry Fields Forev, Beatles
What is with this. My ipod is in beatles mode. Next.
Long, Long Time Ago, Pan's Labyrinth soundtrack.
Life is most definitely not okay with this song, are you kidding me.
Crazy in Love. No. One Girl Rev. No. Paperback Writer, whatever I will take it.

I Will Follow You, Death Cab
I was hoping for Ce Matin La D:

Hey Jude

Getting Back Together:
With a Little Help from My Friends, wtf.
Misfit, Elefant. Ehh.
Another Beatles.
King of Carrot Flowers Pt. 2, NMH. No.
Any Way You Choose to Give it YESSS

I fail at these.

Santa Maria de la Feira, Devandra
Set Yourself on Fire, Stars
Under Pressure, Bowie + Queen
Vanished, Crystal Castles
An elefant song
New Soul, Yael Naim.
I don't want any of these at my wedding. I quit.

Birth Of Child:
Ache, No Doubt
This is totally about teeth though but whatever

Final Battle:
Beautiful Day, U2. Fail.
Cirque. Fail.
Thursday at the Blue Note, White Town. FAIL.
Wanna Be Startin' Something, MJ. Okay.

Death Scene:
Loro, Pinback. WTF NO.
Gotta Get Thru This, radio edit (I only have this for dance, I swear). ROFLMAOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL no.
Skeleton on Display...literally.
Carry on Wayward Son, no.
Eight Days a--no.
In the Devil's Territory. Totally okay. My ipod hates me.

End Credits:
Underground, Bowie from Labyrinth sound

I cheated, stupid music surveys.

Yeah, nonexistent blog readers, you now know the level my madness can reach (that's not the extent obviously, but hopefully you will never have to see that).

Thursday, October 9

No one reads this

I woke up late this morning and ran to the doctor with mom to get a flu shot. She told me on the way there we're going to Chicago. Well, me and Susie. She bought the tickets, we are going to take a plane there and stay at Stephanie's house for two days and then meet up with dad and drive over to Michigan and see grandma and people. We will be there till the first, meaning I will miss Halloween here.
I don't really mind, though. It will be really fun there. I haven't had an actual fall Halloween since I was about three. This time it will actually be cold, and it will actually look like fall. And we're going with my cousin, probably..yeah. It will be fun. Really fun. I'm going to steal Jared's camera and bring it there.

Yesterday totally threw everything off, the name CD (or anyone else's name for the matter) means nothing to me anymore. It's not fair

I want to have adventures like everybody else. And do stuff like I want to. Like katy. And her friend Hayley who is like the prettiest person I've ever seen. I also want A to stop being such a...I dunno.

Ally and Lee want to meet me in Chicago, I'm kind of scared. I won't be able to get away from people anyway.

I want to hug someone.

Wednesday, October 8


I am totally jealous of you lucky choir kids that get to go to Yosemite this fall.
I hate you.



Well. So. Today after school, something relatively exciting happened.

Tuesday, October 7

My Heroes

in no order:



Well, I feel glum.
I won't be pulled down or anything but I'm a tad on the sad side at the moment. Just sayin.
Tomorrow will be better, Abra and I have a lot of plans.
Also, I am feeling more comfortable in my own skin at school so maybe now I'll be able to do some things I've been meaning to do for a long time.
I also think you should know that I love Astrid and Katy Conti a lot (sorry if you are creeped out by me Astrid. You probably are.). And Abra. duh.



1. Listen to the above. Please
2. I just got back from the allergy office, and my sister and I rapped in the hallway (I beatboxed, naturally). I thoroughly hope the people in the waiting room enjoyed that.
3. School was well!
- In dance we had to be out there. Like, "out there." Show some personality. Fantastic. I felt like an idiot on the across-the-floors because of that.
- Partner helped me in history just goes to show, doesn't it?

I still do not like her nails.
- French. Finally, some success!!!! Yaaaaa. I will not write why here, but I will note that it was extremely hard to not dance when O played Il Vie en Toi. Really, really hard. I respect Yves for not restraining himself there. Great kid.
- Science was blah. I kept busy with our assignment, but it wasn't fun. The only thing that kept me from turning into stone right then and there was that I could hear A and A's conversation next to me. The latter is surprisingly friendly, I was impressed.
- Lunch was mediocre. No action, really, but a few laughs. At least dear humkin came over to visit (yeah, he all but ignored me, but I appreciate his presence anyway!). I did not see Patrick, so I couldn't deliver his book. I didn't expect to anyway.
- G wasn't in english!! Which made for a very relaxing period. It was very nice to not have the added stress level. I actually almost fell asleep that time, hah, the atmosphere in there can get so drowsy when we do bookwork: there were 3 other cat-nappers in my class (that I could see).
- Math...I. Need. To. Figure out how to spend my time in there, because I can't stand sitting there and doodling idly for 45 minutes anymore. The conversations are not even entertaining. I can't even watch Saint, either, because he sits behind me.

I am such a creeper.

Eh, anyway, now that I've finished Geo of Bliss, I have nothing captivating me and I need to find another good time-turning book. If this were the sort of blog that had followers, this would be the part where I go "Any suggestions?"
Alas, it's not.
Uhh. I will have to look into that.

3. It is currently 92 degrees. Everyone was getting all excited about the much for autumn. I guess that will have to wait until after fire season (if there is one this year. Which I'm relatively sure there will be).

4. I'm glad I met Alex yesterday.


Monday, October 6



End o blogging for today.

Oh, crap.

I sent the message.

I am so great at not being clingy and shy right!!!


Today was remarkably average. I've never had a milder day in all my years of school (with the exception of elementary, which I don't remember all that well). Dance was fine. History was okay, big disappointment as always, what with my partner sighing and clicking her nails and crunching her hands--only today she had to speak!, and I gladly would take a dozen more listens of nail-clicking than hear that voice again. Anyway. French was good...I couldn't stop grinning, B-who-sits-across-from-me's laughter is unbelievably contagious. Really. I love all the freshman in my class. Have I mentioned that? I love them.
Bio was kind of a dud. We moved seats, and I don't mind too much where I'm sitting now if not for the fact that I'm all the more closer to Teacher, whose voice is, I swear, even worse than Partner's (but in a completely different way). I don't know what it is with me and voices; a person's voice seems to have a big effect on what I think of them. Hah, it's probably not good to have this bias/prejudice but I admit, I immediately like a person who has a nice voice, and if someone's is as loud, sharp, and obnoxious as this Teacher's, I'm thinking negatively of them right away. I do have reason for not liking her, though--she treats all of us like we're totally inadequate, or like we're kindergarteners, or like we don't speak English properly (we're all fairly fluent). She sighs if we miss anything at all, and then when she corrects us she acts completely exasperated, as if whatever we're missing is something the lowliest, stupidest being could understand. It's infuriating. I bet she doesn't treat her honors class like this.

Anyway, lunch was the most uneventful of all. I was looking forward to this, and the people I wanted to see weren't there (well, one of them was. At a distance.). At least it wasn't bad. It was just. You know. Boring. A was in a good mood, and other A ate with us! I was happy about that. I got to walk with her to my english class, which cheered me up. I don't know why I like her so much (I don't even know her well yet), I just know that I've felt a certain connection to her since we first met.
In english I wrote a journal entry about what I thought it meant to be a hero. That was it (I really miss honors. It was a lot of work, but at least we DID THINGS from time to time). I wrote about how I thought sacrificing something you care about to help another is an act of heroism, but then I changed my mind halfway through and started a counter-argument. It's a messy paper, lots of scribbles, probably very confusing for the teacher to read.
Math was the exact same as it is every day, I don't even need to describe that.



I found out today that, should I go to MI, I will miss the Halloween festivities here.
This SUCKS., especially what with everything going on now. I can't miss either...I can't choose. It doesn't help that I am the most indecisive person ever to walk Earth.
Giving up Michigan means giving up seeing the grandma I barely ever see, not to mention missing out on actual fall weather, freezing, leave-crunching, scarf-wearing, hot-drink-digesting...everything else this entails, weather. And the scenery there is another factor entirely. The nature conservatory. The trees, visiting MSU, I miss/want IT ALL.

On the other hand, I can't miss Halloween here. Can't. I won't bother to write out why.

Heh uhh.

Listening to (Aviv):

and you should too.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:

1. I don't know you that well yet, but I definitely like you, very much.
2. Your touching me was the most/closest physical contact I've gotten at all since *summer*, and now because of that I keep thinking about you. the shallowest reasons. And I'm craving more. I need a hug more than I've ever needed one.
3. I wonder what your breakdown today was due to, and I want you to cheer up.
4. You're the biggest creeper I've ever met.
I am serious.

Needless to say, I've met some huge creepers.

Go away.
5. I've never wanted to meet someone so much!
6. I can't pull myself away from that song of yours, it's nostalgic in the deepest, most personal way, and I can't put my finger on why it makes me happy and makes me ache.
7. I forgot to look for you.
8. I want to know you very badly!!!!! I wish I could be closer to you. And I will be. If you tolerate it.
9. Treat her good, will ya?
10. You're an inspiration to me and reading that cheers me incomprehensibly.

NINE things about yourself:
1. Growing better (and prouder. That is, less unproud.)
2. I am a pig and have weird mindsets when it comes to food.
3. The state of my room reflects hugely on my mood.
4. I'm addicted to hugs now
5. I make up weird myths about tea
6. I go by Mai Pen Lai!
7. I don't care as much anymore, and it's a very exciting thing to comprehend
8. I don't have much tolerance for posers or knuckle-crackers.
9. I don't like girls.

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
8. Be yourself and if the shoe fits,...

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. Fall
2. Beats
3. He
4. Jared
5. Astrid
6. "The concept that I have to be one thing and stick with it. I am only now beginning to realize that it's okay if I just AM and don't try to think about it too much or work around anything."
^ keeping this
7. Mai pen lai.

SIX things you wish you never did:
1. Get too involved in internet friendships and.....whatnot
2. slack off last year
3. keep and get attached to all the crap in my room. What a bother
5. tell _ too much and knowingly imply things I didn't mean
6. Not sign up for 800 dance classes this summer

FIVE turn offs:
1. People who snap to get others' attention
3. Thoughtless, careless people
4. people who have ear oil on their phone screens
5. Illiterate people writing badly read poetry

FOUR turn ons:.
1. Cleverness. I'm a sucker for wit
2. People who let you know how they feel about you!
3. People who are themselves, I cannot stress this enough
4. Genuine intelligence, and a way with words doesn't hurt

THREE smileys that describe your life:
2. (:
3. :|

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1. Meet Torrin and Jared
2. Find the person and also find what I'm meant to do (I can't just put two things).

ONE confession:
I think reading Geo of Bliss was a huge soul-picker-upper. It's been helpful in more ways and more frequently than I can count, or have realized, probably.

Oops, relapsing to unorganization. I'm going to end this before I screw up the blog even more. Heh, spill.

Last night, I had a Moon session. I haven't had one in forever, and it was really nice. Lots of Sufjan involved. It helped, but not enough: I got up half an hour later to watch House on my mom's bed. It was such a weird night. I tossed and turned and got up repeatedly for water. Lots of mixed dreams, too.

Saturday, October 4


Now I am not normally one to post twice in one day. But I had to, since today went so well.

They will see us waving from such great heights, 'come down now,' they'll say
But everything looks perfect from far away, 'come down now,' but we'll stay...
I love that song. It sounds like an electronic version of something Elefant would write, kind of.

Listening to:
Rabbit In Your Headlights - UNKLE
I love you, Thom Yorke.

I kind of cheated today; I'd been praying for a rainy day for months, and finally one comes, and I don't even fulfill my Rain plans, let alone do anything at all. And who knows when another one will come. Oops.

I'm thinking about Alex Evans.
And also Paul.

Ghhhh, now to see Patience with a group of squealy water polo girls and mom. I should dress. By the way, the word Suchin is thai and means Beautiful Thought (which this post very obviously is not).

Mmmmmmmm. Good night.



It’s starting to turn fall, I *think*. It’s cold (for here). Also, yesterday in English I noticed how many of the leaves’ colors seemed to be changing. (: (: (:

I’m still jealous of Jared. However, I might/will probably go to Michigan at the end of this month. HURRAAAAY!!

Happy birthday, popsicle.